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plan b

Your complete solution

for Decorative Services


Complete separation solutions are offered to clients. Scanning, colour correction, design repeating, proofing and design separations. Separations are produced for both stages of the design and engraving process.

Firstly, "Quick separations" for getting designs viewed quickly by customers and receiving feedback from sales teams on the strength of a design concept. Time and money will be saved if designs are not selected at this stage. We will reproduce designs at a fraction of the cost and time, cutting down on lead times from concept to marketing, also allowing more designs to be processed.

Secondly, "Engraving ready" separations. These can be in grayscale format or rastered files using mechanical dot structures or "Mezzo" tints. Final engraving ready separations can be supplied on CD or we can engrave the cylinders for you.


Printing Cylinders can be engraved at all conventional sizes and mesh counts.

• Rotary Screen Engraving

• Surface/Flexo Engraving

• Flatbed Screens

• All Stork Screens

Other Services


Digital Proofing onto any substrate

Flat Screen Engraving

Virtual Reality Room sets


For more information email - cmckee@planbseparations.com


(c) 2006 planbseparations & Conrad McKee. All rights reserved.